Webkinz Games
Polar Plunge, Dogbeard’s Gold, Cash Cow, Jumbleberry Blast, Pet Party Parade, Lily Padz, Atlantiles
Ganz Inc
Custom game development, Flash to mobile conversion (Unity engine).
Owned by our friends at Ganz, Webkinz.com is a colorful virtual world inhabited by the eponymous animals sold as plush toys in retail stores. In what is one of our most long-running and successful partnerships, the Fundemic developers built several custom games for the Webkinz Arcade. We’ve also ported some Ganz-developed titles to Starling framework and Unity.

Dogbeard’s Gold, Cash Cow, Polar Plunge:
Dogbeard’s Gold was based on the Fundemic game Amazing Sheriff, while Polar Plunge and Cash Cow were developed from Webkinz Arcade Flash games with complete graphics overhaul (assets supplied by Fundemic).
Jumbleberry Blast, Pet Party Parade:
Both titles are based on the HTML5 games developed by Fundemic with full artwork makeover (assets supplied by Ganz).
Lily Padz, Atlantiles.
Classic Webkinz games ported from Flash to Mobile by Fundemic (assets supplied by Ganz).