Regular Show
Regular Show: Battle of the Behemoths, Regular Show: Ride ‘Em Rigby, Regular Show: Fist Punch, Regular Show: Just a Regular Game
Cartoon Network
Conversion from Flash to HTML5. The games were originally developed by Cartoon Network in Flash.
There’s no shortage of adrenaline and excitement in the Regular Show universe. From the wild park rampage in Ride Em Rigby to an all-out punch out in Battle of The Behemoths, there are enough moments to make your palms sweat. With each game containing an insane number of individual character animations, our primary goal during the conversion process was keeping the frame rate high while not compromising on the quality of assets.

Regular Show:
Battle of the Behemoths: A late night monster movie marathon gone wrong!
Regular Show:
Ride ‘Em Rigby: Rampage through the park as Rigby tries to hold on for dear life!
Regular Show:
First Punch: Stop the Night Owl using Death Kwon Do!
Regular Show:
Just A Regular Game: It’s anything but.